Catégorie: CăluÅŸ

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The căluşari is the Romanian word for participants in a traditional folk dance, the căluş.

The dance originally derives from Southern Romania. The word may also be found spelt as căluşarii, căluşeri, căluş, căluşel. Etymologically all these variants can be traced back to the Romanian word cal (horse).

The căluş is a male group dance, although there are records of traditions from Banat region that included 1-2 young girls, now obsolete.

Dancers wear white trousers and white tunics, with brightly coloured ribbons streaming from their hats. Bells are attached to their ankles, and dances include the use of sticks held upright whilst dancing, or pointing at the ground as a prop.

Like many morris dances, in many traditions căluşari dancers include a fool, known as the "nebun", or "mute".

The dance includes the following elements.

  • The starting figure of walking (plimbări), or a basic step, in a circle moving anticlockwise.
  • More complex figures (miÅŸcare) performed in place between walking steps.
  • Figures are formed from combinations of elements, often have a beginning-middle-end structure.

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