Rozinkes mit Mandeln

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Rozinkes mit Mandeln


In dem beys hamikdash
In a vinkl kheyder
Zitzt di almone Bas Zion aleyn.
Ir ben yokhidl Yidele
Vigt zi keseyder
Un zingt im tzu shlofn a lidele sheyn: ay-lu-lu...
Unter Yidele's vigele
Shteyt a klor vayse tzigele
Dos tzigele is geforn handlen
Dos vet zayn dayn baruf,
Rozhinkes mit mandlen
Shlof zhe Yidele, shlof.


In dem lidl, mayn kind,
Ligt fil neviyes.
Az du vest amol zayn tzezeyt oyf der velt.
A soykher vestu zayn
Fun ale tvues.
Un vest in dem oykh fardinen fil gelt: ay-lu-lu...
Az du vest vern raykh, Idele,
Zolst zikh dermonen in dem lidele,
"Rozhinkes mit mandlen",
Dos vest zayn dayn baruf.
Yidele vet ale handlen.
Shlof zhe, Yidele shlof.

Français Raisins et amandes

English Raisins and almonds


In the temple, in the corner of a chamber,
The widow The Daughter of Zion is sitting all alone.
As she rocks her only son Yidele to sleep,
She sings him a pretty song, a lullaby.
"Under Yidele's cradle,
there stands a snow-white kid
that has been to market.
It will be your calling, too -
Trading in raisins and almonds,
And now sleep, Yidele, sleep.


In this pretty lullaby, my child, there lie many prophecies.
Some day you'll be wandering in the wide world -
You will choose to be a tradesman,
And you'll be trading and earning a lot of money.
When you grow rich, Yidele,
you will recall this pretty song
about raisins and almonds.
It will be your calling -
Yidele will be trading in all wares.
Sleep, then, Yidele, sleep!


Dans l'opéra d'Abraham Goldfaden, Shulamith, se trouve l'une des plus célèbres berceuses de ce temps, « Rozhinkes mit Mandeln », qui promet à l'enfant, outre des « raisins avec des amandes » le succès dans sa profession et la continuation de la tradition juive.

"Raisins and Almonds (Yiddish: ראָזשינקעס מיט מאַנדלען, Rozhinkes mit Mandlen) is a Jewish lullaby by Abraham Goldfaden, so well known that it has assumed the status of a folk song.


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