Bun îi vinul ghiurghiuliu

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VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=othweNcwkmA

Every line is sung twice / Chaque ligne est chantée 2 fois

Bun îi vinul ghiurghiuliu

Bun îi vinul ghiurghiuliu
Cules toamna prin tîrziu
Mai pe brumă, mai pe-omăt
Mult mai beu şi nu mă-mbăt
M-am jurat că n-oi mai be
Dar eu nu mă pot ţîne
Bun îi vinul, bine-mi place
Nu ÅŸtiu viei ce i-oi face
Vinişor de poamă rară
Se suie-n cap făr' de scară
ViniÅŸor de boghi verzi
Face pe om de nu-l vezi
Bun îi vinul şi gustos
Cind îl bei cu om frumos
Dar de-l bei cu om urît
Se opreşte vinu-n gît

English Great is rose wine

Great is rose wine
Harvested in late autumn
Some on frost, some on snow
A lot I drink and I don't get drunk
I swore not drink again
But I cannot refrain
Great is wine, and well I like it
Don't know what I'm going to do to that vine
Beloved wine, of a rare fruit
Climbs to the head without a ladder
Beloved wine of green grapes
Makes the man so that you won't see him
Great is wine and tasteful as well
When you drink it with handsome people
But if you drink it with ugly people
The wine gets stuck in your throat


Cette chansons est une adaptation en 3/8 du Geampara Leliţă Ioană.

Qui joue/chante ça ?

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