Wikipedia » KumanovoKumanovo est une ville du nord de la Macédoine du Nord. - 4 janvier 2024 à 10:46
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Wikipedia » Région de la Mer - 1 mars 2023 à 23:53
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Wikipedia » VlachsAs a contemporary term, in the English language, the Vlachs are the Balkan Romance-speaking peoples who live south of the Danube in what are now southern Albania, Bulgaria, northern Greece, North Macedonia, and eastern Serbia as native ethnic groups, such as the Aromanians, Megleno-Romanians and Timok Romanians. - 28 août 2021 à 20:48
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Wikipedia » ValaquesGéographiquement, « Valaques » désigne les habitants de la Valachie (région méridionale de la Roumanie) et, dans la péninsule des Balkans, les populations de langue romane soit les Aroumains, les Mégléno-Roumains et les Istro-Roumains (certains linguistes y incluaient jadis les Dalmates). Il est parfois employé en Serbie et en Bulgarie pour désigner aussi les Roumains locaux. - 28 août 2021 à 20:48
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Replay : 4 chorégraphies de la région de VâlceaReplay du direct du 13 avril 2021 où Célia Kam explique et décortique les pas de 4 danses de la région de [[Catégorie:Vâlcea|]], [[Catégorie:Olténie|]]. - 13 avril 2021 à 21:37
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danse oltenie valcea
Mama Lisa WorldChansons enfantines de tous les pays - 10 mars 2021 à 22:32
carols from different Bulgarian regions Christmas carols from different Bulgarian regionsChristmas carols from different Bulgarian regions - 6 décembre 2020 à 11:40
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Traditional bulgarian Christmas songs : Koledar - 6 décembre 2020 à 11:28
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Four songs for greek - 6 décembre 2020 à 11:21
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Christmas » An overview of makam - 21 novembre 2020 à 04:51
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Wikipedia » Assyrian folk dances
Wikipedia » Dances in - 21 novembre 2020 à 03:21
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danse iran
Wikipedia » Armenian - 21 novembre 2020 à 02:40
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armenie danse
Wikipedia » Nikos Kilouris
Wikipedia » Νίκος ΞυλούρηςΝίκος_Ξυλούρης - 12 novembre 2020 à 02:25
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nikos ksilouris
Wikipedia » Iovan - 12 novembre 2020 à 01:32
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yiovan tsaous
Wikipedia » Giovan - 12 novembre 2020 à 01:32
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yiovan tsaous
Rumynski Orkestr Belfa audioListen or download Belf's Romanian Orchestra audio archives, in OGG or MP3 - 25 septembre 2020 à 08:28
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Belf mp3
Belf's Romanian Orchestra - 21 septembre 2020 à 20:46
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RadioooooRadiooooo permet d'écouter des musiques par pays et par décennies. Un voyage dans le temps incroyable.
Radiooooo let you listen music from the country of your choice, in the years of your choice. - 9 septembre 2020 à 11:37
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BalkanophonieLa webradio francophone des Balkans.
Musique et playlists, actualité et magasine - 9 septembre 2020 à 11:35
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actualités radio
Wikipedia » Jewish musicJewish music, the music of Jews, is quite diverse and dates back thousands of years. Sometimes it is religious in nature, other times it is not. The rhythm and sound of the music varies greatly depending on the origins of the Jewish composers. - 30 août 2020 à 14:17
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- Amazon » Naftule Brandwein - King of klezmer clarinet
CD King of klezmer clarinet sur Amazon
Maxwell Street Klezmer Band
Wikipedia » Klezmer Conservatory BandThe Klezmer Conservatory Band is an Boston-based group which performs traditional klezmer music.
YIVO EncyclopediaProvides the most complete picture of the history and culture of Jews in Eastern Europe from the beginnings of their settlement in the region to the present. This website makes accurate, reliable, scholarly information about East European Jewish life accessible to everyone.
Belfology : transcription of tunes recorded by Belf's Romanian - 29 août 2020 à 14:00
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Transcriptions & notes of the tunes recorded by Belf's Romanian - 29 août 2020 à 13:59
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Turkish Music Portal
Wikipedia » RoumélieLa Roumélie (en turc : Rumeli) est le terme utilisé à partir du XVe siècle pour désigner la partie de la péninsule balkanique sous domination ottomane. Selon le contexte historique, le terme peut faire référence à différentes régions de la péninsule balkanique.
Wikipedia » KurdistanHistoire, géographie et nationalisme kurde - 19 mars 2020 à 23:11
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- Lexilogos - dictionnaires en ligne
Plusieurs dictionnaires par langue pour plus de 200 langues du monde.

Wiktionary - dictionnaire libre toutes languesToutes langues (pas toujours très fourni) Dictionaires principalement unilingues. Grand plus : reconnaît les formes fléchies des mots (déclinaisons, conjugaisons)

Ando - 23 septembre 2018 à 11:24
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Guitare pour tous » EderleziParoles dans d'autres langues, partitions dont une version chorale...

Istrian Traditional Instruments » Sopelice(Svirala, šurla, piskala, vidalica; flauto, whistle pipes)
Single labial pipe. It has six finger-holes(škulje, škuje) and often a thumb hole drilled in line with the first. The bore is closed at the top with a wooden block, with a narrow windway left for the air to strike on the edge of the labium on the upper side. Today, in the musical practice in Istria it is used to a much lesser extent than other instruments. Specimens found in the Istrian museums (Pazin, Labin, Porec) show that the production of the sopelica used to be widely distributed, especially in central and northern Istria. - 28 juin 2016 à 21:49
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flute sopelice

Istrian Traditional Instruments » Dvojniceduplice, vidalice, svirale, volarice, ovčarice, fiavòle, feiavòle, sopele pastierske, surle; flauto doppio, double whistle
Double-bore monoxyle labial pipes - made from a single piece of wood. There are four holes for playing (škulje, škuje) on the right pipes and three on the left, and usually on the right pipe there is a thumb hole drilled in line with the first. There are few specimens with a different layout and number of holes. Each bore is closed at the top with a wooden block, with a narrow windway left for the air to strike on the edge of the labium on the upper side. - 28 juin 2016 à 21:46
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dvojnice flute

Istrian Traditional InstrumentsWelcome to the virtual collection of traditional instruments from the Ethnographic Museum of Istria! You are invited to explore the collection and to get to know more about the project; to share the information with others and participate in creating new content for this virtual collection, dedicated to traditional Istrian instruments. This is just the beginning...
The folk music of Krk Islandby Ivan Pavacic Jecalicev, melographer
The two-part music with narrow intervals of the islands of the northern Adriatic, the area around Rijeka and Istria is a unique tonal system in vernacular music, on a European scale. Studying Croatian musical history, musicologists have given plenty of space to research into this manner of making music. (...) This two-part music is based on an untempered hexatonic system disposed in such a way that no other tone can be accommodated between the existing six tones. - 28 juin 2016 à 21:37
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Few words about traditional Istrian Music and DanceIstrian traditional music is based on untuned Istrian music scale. The singing of the songs are usually executed in pair in thirds and the most popular dance is balun. - 28 juin 2016 à 21:36
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Wikipedia » Istrian scaleIstrian scale refers both to a distinct musical scale and the Istrian and Kvarnerian folk music genres which use the scale. Named for the Istrian peninsula; genres include kanat and tarankanje; techniques include nasal tone, variation and improvisation, and resolution to the unison or octave; and instruments include sopele shawms, bagpipes, flutes, and tambura lutes. It was first studied or conceived by Ivan Matetić Ronjgov. - 28 juin 2016 à 21:36
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Musiq » Introduction to greek rebetika and smyrnaiikan music
Musiq » Introduction to Turkish and Arab makam (maqam) - 4 janvier 2016 à 22:48
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Dancilla » - 5 novembre 2015 à 19:12
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Turkey travel guideIstanbul, Cappadocia, Bodrum, Pamukkale, Kapiriki, Ephesus, Afrodisias... - 13 avril 2015 à 01:04
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- Greece Travel Guide - 13 avril 2015 à 01:01
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Rhythmic modes (usuls) found in rebetikaRegarding rhythm, rebetika shares more characteristics with Turkish folk music than with Greek folk music.
Çiftetelli, Sirto, Karsilama, Zembekiko (Zeybek)
Turkish Music Portal » Music therapy in Islamic - 12 avril 2015 à 21:41
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arabe makam
Melodic modes found in - 12 avril 2015 à 21:33
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makam rebetiko