Pena je seno kosila
- Pena je seno kosila
- Kosila i sâbirala
- Kosila i sâbirala
- S nejino mlado ratajče
- Ratajče duma na Pena
- Peno ljo čorbadžijko ljo
- Kato si seno sâberem
- Kade štem Peno da legnem?
- Pena ratajče dumaše
- Ratajče mlado glupavo
- Kato si seno sâberem
- Ti šte da legneš vâr kopa
- Ti šte da legneš vâr kopa
- Je šte da legna pod kopa
- Dorde sa zora zazori
- Dvamina šte sa sâberem
Pena was cutting hay
- Pena was cutting hay
- Cutting it and gathering it
- Cutting it and gathering it
- With her young helper
- The young helper said to Pena:
- Hey Pena, my boss...
- When we’re finished piling hay
- Where will we lie down to sleep?
- Pena said to her helper:
- Hey helper, young fool
- When we’re through working
- You’ll lie down on top of the pile
- You’ll lie down on top of the pile
- And I’ll lie down under thepile
- By the time dawn comes
- The two of us will have gathered...