Soven čhave, soven

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Romani Soven čhave, soven

Soven čhave, soven,
ča te chal ma mangen,
joj, se tumari e phuri daj
andr'odi kaľi phuv džal.
Aven phrala, pheňa,
aven man te dikhel.
Aven man phrala te dikhen
joj, sar me čores dživav.
Maj me phundravava,
ča mro vast hazdava.
Jaj, ča me mire churde čhaven
te sovel thovava.
Ma rov, mamo, ma rov,
ma čhinger tre bala.
Joj, bo de man churde čhave,
mušinav te dživel.

English Sleep my children, sleep

Sleep my children, sleep,
just don't ask for food,
oh, 'cause your grandmother
is going into the black ground.
Come, brothers, sisters,
come to visit me.
My brothers are coming to see me
alas, how poor my life is.
I'll get the door in a minute,
I'll just lift up my hand.
Alas, I'll just put my little kids,
put them to sleep.
Don't cry, mother, don't cry,
don't pull out your hair.
Alas, 'cause I have little kids,
I have to live.

Qui joue/chante ça ?

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