Тргнал ми Јане Сандански/1 (Trgnal mi Jane Sandanski/1)

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Stage Warkentin mai 2007

Trâgnal mi Jane Sandanski

Trâgnal mi Jane, Jane Sandanski
Trâgnal mi Jane, Jane Sandanski
Niz taja gora le, zelena
Niz taja Pirin le, planina
Niz taja gora, gora zelena
Niz taja Pirin, Pirin planina
Sâs verna vrana le, kobilka
Sâs tenka puška le, na ramo
V Melnika grada Jane da ide
V Melnika grada Jane da ide
Družina da si le, nameri
Družina verna le, sgovorna
Ta da si fanat borba narodna
Ta da si fanat borba narodna
S turskite vârli le, dušmani
S turskite vârli le, dušmani

English Jane Sandanski set out

Jane Sandanski set out
Jane Sandanski set out
through the green forest
on Pirin mountain
Through the green forest
on Pirin mountain
on his faithful, raven-black mare
with his slender rifle on his shoulder.
Jane was headed for the town of Melnik
Jane was headed for the town of Melnik
to find a faithful band of companions
to find a band of sworn companions
To take up the people's fight
to take up the people's fight
against the Turks,
those fierce enemies.


There are many Pirin songs about the famous guerrilla fighter Jane Sandanski (Яне Сандански), all pretty much in the same vein. This one's a pretty urban lesno arranged by Kiril Stefanov, with a different melody and lyrics.

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