
Balkan't stop the music ! Paroles, partitions, traductions, lyrics, scores, translations, mp3, videos...


Mi-o zis mama că mi-o da
(văleleu, văleleu)
Zestre cînd m-oi mărita
(văleu, văleu, văleleu)
Douăzeci de perne mari
Toate pline cu ţînţari
Douăzeci de perne mici
Toate pline cu furnici
Douăzeci de perne moi
Toate pline de gunoi
Douăzeci de poloboace
Făr' de fund şi făr' de doage
Două raţe crăcănate
Astea cică-s vaci cu lapte

English Valeleu

My mama told me she would give me
(văleleu, văleleu)
As dowry when I get married
(văleu, văleu, văleleu)
A score of big pillows
All of them filled with mosquitoes
A score of small pillows
All of them filled with ants
A score of soft pillows
All of them filled with junk
A score of barrels
Without bottom, without staves
Two bow-legged ducks
These to be the milkcows

Qui joue/chante ça ?

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