
Balkan't stop the music ! Paroles, partitions, traductions, lyrics, scores, translations, mp3, videos...

Also spelled Yanana, Janana, Yarnana

VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he7P224kxJo
Ayde Mori - Jarnana
VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQrDW-vhjqU
Mawaca - Jarjana


A s'më një ujü balluke e prerë
Me se të ta jap trëndafil me erë
Jarnana, Jarnane
Jarnana moj të keqen e
O me dorën tënde moj balluke e prerë
dora mu ndodhë zënë trëndafil me erë
Me te tu ndodhë zënë moj balluke e prerë
mu unazën tënde trëndafil me erë


Won't you bring me some water, you with the cut bangs ?
With what shall I bring it, fragrant rose?
may I take all your misfortunes upon me!
Oh, with you hands, you with the cut bangs.
But my hand is occupied, fragrant rose.
With what is it occupied, you with the cut bangs?
With the ring that you gave me, fragrant flower.

Voir aussi

Qui joue/chante ça ?

  • Mawaca : DVD Inquilinos do Mundo
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