Florile dalbe

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Româneşte Florile dalbe

Scoală, gazdă, din pătuţ,
Florile dalbe,
Şi ne dă un colăcuţ,
Florile, Florile dalbe.
Că mămuca n-o facut,
Florile dalbe,
Sită deasă n-o avut,
Florile, Florile dalbe.
Pe când sit-o căpătat,
Florile dalbe,
Covata i s-o crepat,
Florile, Florile dalbe.
L-o sfădit mama pe tata,
Florile dalbe,
Di ce s-o crepat covata,
Florile, Florile dalbe.
Când covata o liptit,
Florile dalbe,
Cuptiorul i s-o urnit,
Florile, Florile dalbe.
Când cuptiorul l-o tomnit,
Florile dalbe,
Anul Nou o ÅŸi zinit,
Florile, Florile dalbe.

English New Year flowers (white flowers)

Our host do rise from bed
White Flowers
Serve us (Challah) braided eggbread
Flowers, white flowers
because mommy bake did not
White Flowers
Widemeshed sieve she did not have
Flowers, white flowers
By the time the sieve she got
White Flowers
The kneading bowl was cracked
Flowers, white flowers
Mom yelled at dad why tis so
White Flowers
Why a crack in our bowl
Flowers, white flowers
By the time the bowl was mended
White Flowers
Out of kilter was the oven
Flowers, white flowers
By the time they righted the oven
White Flowers
The New Year was upon us
Flowers, white flowers

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