- Dick Oakes » Albanian Pronunciation Guide
www.phantomranch.net/folkdanc/alphabet/albanian.htm - 29 mars 2009 Ã 10:34
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albanie alphabet
- Vocabulaire Français-Albanais avec prononciation
- Wikipedia » Music of Albania
Before Enver Hoxha's communist reign began, Albania was long controlled by the Ottoman Empire and other conquering powers, leading to a diversity of influences that is common in the much-fragmented Balkan region and resulting in a diverse and unique musical sound.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_of_Albania - 28 mars 2009 Ã 19:24
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- Wikipedia » Albanais
L'albanais (shqip en albanais) est une langue indo-européenne, qui constitue à elle seule un groupe indépendant au sein de cette famille de langues : le groupe thraco-illyrien (...)
Il est parlé par sept millions de personnes environ, dont trois millions et demi en Albanie. L'albanais se subdivise en deux dialectes : le guègue, au nord du fleuve Shkumbin, et le tosque au sud.
fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albanais - 28 mars 2009 Ã 19:22
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- Wikipedia » Albanian language
Albanian is an Indo-European language spoken by nearly 6 million people, primarily in Albania and Kosovo but also in other areas of the Balkans in which there is an Albanian population, including the west of the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and southern Serbia. Albanian is also spoken by communities in Greece, along the eastern coast of southern Italy, and on the island of Sicily.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albanian_language - 28 mars 2009 Ã 19:20
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- Albania satellite map
www.maplandia.com/albania/ - 5 mars 2009 Ã 05:26
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albanie carte