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Liens taggés comme : mezoseg
- Wikipedia » Transylvanian PlainThe Transylvanian Plain (Romanian: Câmpia Transilvaniei , Hungarian: Mezőség) is an ethnogeographical area in Transylvania, Romania, located between the Someş River and the Mureş River.
The Transylvanian Plain can be divided into two parts: a hilly one in the North-East and a plain one in South and West.
Some important villages of Câmpia Transilvaniei are Sic (a former salt-mining town), Mociu, Jucu, Band, Suatu and Unguraş - 4 juillet 2012 à 19:59
Tags : mezoseg - Wikipedia » MezőségMezőség or Câmpia Transilvaniei is an ethnogeographical area in Transylvania, Romania, located between the Someş River and the Mureş River. The term is also used to reference a form of dance performed by the ethnic Hungarian inhabitants of the region. This improvisational couple dance, known as the mezőségi (meaning "from Mezőség" in Hungarian) has two parts: lassu (slow) and friss (fast). Different villages within Mezőség have their own variations of the dance.