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Liens taggés comme : midi
Folk tunes in MIDI, ABC, PDF format
IFDO » Folk Dance music in midi Format - 24 novembre 2009 Ã 19:59
Tags : midiMusiques traditionnelles en liberté - 24 novembre 2009 Ã 19:59
Tags : midiRêve éveillé » musique des Balkans - 24 novembre 2009 Ã 19:59
Tags : medias midi mp3 partitionsTürkü Dostlari
Virtual klezmer
Hungarian Folk Collection
The purpose of this collection of 6000 melodies (MIDI's), in majority of (Urban) Hungarian Folk music, or in fact in majority Magyar Nótak, but including well over 2000 Népdalok, is to promote these melodies among devotees, and to contribute to the preservation of this type of Folk music. To support the recognition of these simple melodies, in most cases a "Demo" of that melody is added in the form of a short Mp3 file.Schöller family - Klezmer scores
Armenian midi
Vitrifolk » MIDI - 23 décembre 2009 à 09:21
Tags : midiJas's -- MIDI Hand Drum Rhythm Generator
George's Greek MIDI Site
In this site you'll find MIDI versions of quality greek songs, mostly rembetika and classic oldies. (Not updated since 2004, but quite good)Manchester Klezmer MIDI files and sheet music - 15 novembre 2009 Ã 08:48
Tags : klezmer midi partitionsVolkslieder, German and other Folk Songs