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Liens taggés comme : radkova
- Wikipedia » Людмила Радкова (Ljudmila Radkova)Людмила_Радкова - 2 décembre 2009 à 19:38
Tags : radkova - Wikipedia » Ludmila RadkovaMs Lyudmila Radkova-Traykova is a Bulgarian folk singer, performing folklore from the Balkans, who became world known as a soloist at the Filip Kutev Ensemble, and at the orchestra of Goran Bregovic. She is sister of the Bulgarian folk singer Daniela - 2 décembre 2009 à 19:37
Tags : filip kutev goran bregovic radkova - Wikipedia » Даниела Радкова (Daniela Radkova)Даниела_Радкова - 2 décembre 2009 à 19:36
Tags : radkova - Wikipedia » Daniela RadkovaMs Daniela Radkova-Aleksandrova is a Bulgarian folk singer, performing folklore from the Balkans, who became world known as a soloist at the Filip Kutev Ensemble, and at the orchestra of Goran Bregovic. She is sister of the Bulgarian folk singer Ludmila - 2 décembre 2009 à 19:36
Tags : filip kutev goran bregovic radkova