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Balkan't stop the music ! Paroles, partitions, traductions, lyrics, scores, translations, mp3, videos...
Liens taggés comme : romani
- Vitrifolk » Rom
- Unión Romanà » Gelem, Gelem
- Unión RomanÃSocial and cultural promotion of the gypsy people with the goal of eliminating every form of discrimination which places our community in a position of inferiority or dependence upon the majority society.
- The Patrin web journal: Romani culture and history
- Djelem (romani anthem) - 15 novembre 2009 Ã 09:24
Tags : gelem partitions romani tsigane - Dictionnaire Freelang Romani<->Franç - 15 novembre 2009 à 09:15
Tags : dictionnaire romani traduction tsigane - Romani Baxt AlbaniaFacts about Rroms in history and present-day Europe, artistic heritage and creation, easy-to-use teaching material in Rromani language, literature, music, history, dictionaries of Rromani – these are the main topics available on this Web site and intended to turn your friendly curiosity into knowledge and respect of Rromani reality.
- Romany / English Dictonary