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Liens taggés comme : slovenie
- Vitrifolk » Slové - 23 décembre 2009 à 09:15
Tags : slovenie - Dunav » Maps of Slovenia
- JararajaGroupe de jeune musiciens solèvenes, entre klezmer, musique balkanique, tsigane et Carmina Burana.
- Wikipedia » Music of SloveniaThe music of Slovenia is closely related to Austrian, Istrian and Croatian because of its common history and Alpine and littoral culture. In the minds of many Slovenes and foreigners, Slovenian folk music means a form of polka that is still popular today, especially among expatriates and their descendants in North America. However, there are many styles of Slovenian folk music beyond polka, kolo and - 22 novembre 2009 à 12:44
Tags : slovenie - Dictionnaire Freelang slovène<->franç - 22 novembre 2009 à 12:43
Tags : dictionnaire slovenie traduction - Slovenia satellite map