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Liens taggés comme : tsifteteli
- Rhythmic modes (usuls) found in rebetikaRegarding rhythm, rebetika shares more characteristics with Turkish folk music than with Greek folk music. Çiftetelli, Sirto, Karsilama, Zembekiko (Zeybek)
- Tsifteteli dance - 29 mars 2009 Ã 22:02
Tags : tsifteteli - Information about TsifteteliWhat is Tsifteteli? by Chryssanthi - 29 mars 2009 Ã 22:02
Tags : tsifteteli - Wikipedia » TsifteteliÇiftetelli (Turkish: "double stringed; to move like a snake"; Greek: tsiftetéli; Armenian: dzivdedeghi) is a dance probably of Turkish origin, that is found in most of the territories and surroundings of the former Ottoman - 29 mars 2009 à 22:01
Tags : tsifteteli