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Liens taggés comme : zeibekiko
- Rhythmic modes (usuls) found in rebetikaRegarding rhythm, rebetika shares more characteristics with Turkish folk music than with Greek folk music. Çiftetelli, Sirto, Karsilama, Zembekiko (Zeybek)
- Wikipedia » Zeybek danceThe zeybek is a form of folk music and dance peculiar to Western Anatolia in Turkey. It is named after the Zeybeks. The Greek popular dance form the Zeibekiko was originated from the Anatolian zeybek dance. İt is believed that this dance was created by zeybek warriors who try to simulate movements of - 22 janvier 2011 à 12:03
Tags : zeibekiko - Zeybekiko dance - 29 mars 2009 Ã 22:31
Tags : zeibekiko - Wikipedia » ZeibekikoZeibekiko is considered an urban improvisational dance from Greece with a rhythmic pattern of 9/4. The dance originated from the Zeybek warriors of Anatolia and was partly introduced in Greece after the 1923 population - 29 mars 2009 à 22:30
Tags : zeibekiko